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Regulatory information:

Provincial ministries

The act and the regulation are administered by MOECC and OMAFRA. Environmental protection is a top priority for both ministries.

  • OMAFRA is responsible for the approvals, training, certification and education activities required for the safe application of NASM. OMAFRA notifies the local municipality (lower or single tier) when any NASM Plan within its jurisdiction is approved.
  • MOECC is responsible for enforcing compliance with the regulation. MOECC does proactive inspections and responds to complaints of NASM land application activities to ensure compliance with the regulatory standards and protection of the environment. If an adverse effect occurs or may occur, or if a discharge may impair water quality, the Environmental Protection Act and/or the Ontario Water Resources Act may apply. Any concerns about compliance with land application standards can be referred to MOECC.
  • OIA aims to ensure registered Professional Agrologists (P.Ag.), Technical Agrologists (T.Ag.), as well as those Articling Agrologists in training (A.Ag.), are qualified, competent, and engage in continuous professional development and on-going learning in order to meet national competency standards.  Achieving national standards of qualification assurance ensures federal labour mobility requirements are achieved.
  • CCA – Certified Crop Advisors™ (CCAs) are experts in agronomy and provide honest, well thought out advice to farmers. At 550+ members in Ontario and counting, we are a strong voice in support of Ontario farmers. Ask us today how we can help you. Several hundred men and women across Ontario serve farmers as crop advisors, providing information and expertise on crop production, crop protection and natural resource management. This group of commercial, public and independent advisors play an important role in modern agriculture. Crop advisors provide advice and counsel producers in their decision making process.
  • OSCIA – The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) is a unique non-profit farm organization that represents all commodity groups across the province.  They are leaders in producer education, local association development, program delivery and consumer outreach